Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sermon Review

Praise God for the faithful teaching and preaching of Pastor John Piper! I have been so blessed lately through the messages Pastor John has brought us. We are now entering a new series on "The Next Generation."

The next generation is important. We don't want to end up like the Israelites did in Judges 2. Those who had seen God work and part the Jordan were gone and a new generation had come who did not know God. Far be it from us! Let that be the cry of the saints.

Too little is expected of our children in this day and age. We need to raise them not to go with the tides of our culture like jellyfish who follow the current. We want them to be like dolphins plotting their own course to the heavenly harbor. We need to raise them on the Word. The book of Proverbs is for the youth. The Bible tells us to bring them up in the fear and instruction of the Lord. To bring them up is important. We need to teach them doctrine. They need substance and don't let the world tell you they don't.

While it is extremely important for our children to grasp the truth, we ought not push it on them and "force" them into a premature decision for Christ. When they are ready they will come. They will begin to connect the sin in their hearts and the holiness of God. Don't let an obedient child fool you for a moment. All children want laws and rules. They are begging for them they can do that! They can't do the gospel apart from the saving work of Christ. Don't let them grow up in self righteous pride as though they can have all the answers and not be concerned about their eternal standing before a holy God. Pray with them, pray for them, pray without ceasing.

Our children need to learn that once they are truly saved, they must begin their work for Christ. They have a calling to do the work of God too. To evangelize their Friends and to be a witness on the playground, etc. We ought to train them on the Proverbs. We can raise wise children that prove wisdom doesn't come with age. We are to take the verse found in 1 Timothy 4:12,"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity (ESV)."

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