Cedar Ridge Fall 2011 Evangelism Class
I. Description of Class
This class will be taught from a distinctly reformed perspective on the subject of evangelism in the two main avenues of life: public and private. The Bible will be used exegetically to build a foundation evangelical living for the glory of God in all of life. Daniel will teach on the subject of private evangelism, Jason will be teaching on the subject of public evangelism.
A. The purpose of this class will be for the students to realize, to a fuller extent, the fourfold goal of Cedar Ridge:
To exalt God’s glory in all areas of life.
To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.
To promote the growth of Christ-like character in God’s people.
To live out our faith through works of compassion and ministry.
B. The Westminster Confession of Faith will be utilized on a continual basis.
C. The class will be practical in nature, with a time during each class to discuss evangelism methodology, specifically in the area of personal witnessing.
D. To memorize and recite verses which deal specifically with the subject and various facets of evangelism. A paper will be handed out the first week of class which will be the foundation for these verses.
II. Objectives
As a result of this class, the diligent student should be able to:
A. Live more deliberately to the glory of God as a witness to a lost and dying world of the beauty and supremacy of Christ.
B. Have an arsenal of verses ready to be used when needed for various subjects and issues that may be proposed in personal conversations. These verses will be built upon a Biblical and theological foundation. It can not be overstated here: what you believe effects and impacts your evangelism as well as whether or not you will even be engaged in the battle.
C. Become increasingly more active in the ministry of evangelism, both public as well as private, as a result effectiveness will increase.
D. Family Worship will become an everyday occurrence in your home.
E. Personal holiness and piety will result as public, private, and family worship become an integral part of your faith and life.
III. Suggested Requirements
Become involved in the outreach ministry, door to door, jail visitation, etc. Start evangelizing.
Find answers to the 17 Frequently Asked Questions, plus memory verses to help with scriptural refutation of the opposition you will encounter.
If you are not reading your Bible on a daily basis begin to do so immediately!!!
Start becoming actively involved in family and private worship.
Read one or all of the following books:
Kuiper, R.B. God Centered Evangelism; Baker Book House (Banner of Truth Trust ed. 1966,
Calisle, PA. 1966.), 1961.
Metzger, Bruce; Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People; Inter
Varsity Press, Downers Grove, IL.2002.
Piper, John; Let The Nations Be Glad; Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI. 2003.
IV. Schedule
September 11: Introduction
September 19: The Supremacy of God in all of Life
September 26: The Christian’s Calling to a Mature Faith, Session 1
October 2: The Christian’s Calling to a Mature Faith, Session 2
October 9: Evangelism and Biblical Theology–Pt. 1
October 16: Evangelism and Biblical Theology–Pt. 2
October 23: The Christian’s Calling to Holy Conduct, Session 1
October 30: The Christian’s Calling to Holy Conduct, Session 2
November 6: A Practical Methodology of Evangelism–Pt. 1
November 13: A Practical Methodology of Evangelism–Pt 2
November 20: Exhortation to Worship and Christian Instruction in the Home, Session 1
November 27: Exhortation to Worship and Christian Instruction in the Home, Session 2
December 4: A Practical Methodology of Evangelism–Pt. 3
December 11: A Practical Methodology of Evangelism–Pt. 4
December 18: Practice of Worship and Christian Instruction in the Home, Session 1
January 8: Practice of Worship and Christian Instruction in the Home, Session 2
January 15: Discussion, Review of Verses, Personal Growth.
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