Thursday, July 15, 2010

Parenting and the Glory of God

So here's the deal, parenting is NOT EASY. Nor is it for the faint of heart. God doesn't tell us this at first. Instead, he brings these blessings one by one into our lives for the purpose of sanctifying His people. I have had to learn most of my parenting through the school of hard knocks. There is much I don't know, but I do know one thing: We as parents are absolutely dependant upon the Spirit of God! Praise God it is this way. A good recipe for everyday parenting is something like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Children are like small trees which are watered well through this type of spiritual food. The filling of the Spirit of God is a prerequisite to effective Christian parenting. As we live in the power of the Spirit God gets the glory and our children learn of His goodness and grace.

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